Collaboration with eStreetWise a Bangladeshi charity developing a video gaming platform that explores love, intimacy and friendships among the children of Shah Ali. Styled by the children, this fashion shoot was a space to dream and create characters that may be used in the video game. Coupled with quotes from the children about there experiences of living in Dhaka, as a child and a community outside time and society.
“What I have learned so far but so profoundly is the desire of children of Shah Ali in expressing themselves and telling their stories in their own terms. This has positional to disrupt the prevailing politics of representations of marginalised children of global south, which sometimes valorises sufferings, despair and victimhood to raise the profile of the object of development, sometimes celebrate smiles of the rescued child to showcase development impacts in the expense of silencing and obscuring their experiences, thoughts, actions and opinions.”
Mishu Asahan, founder of eStreetWise